PowerBI + R blog

Do good things with data

January 25, 2019

Hello from the pictureque town called Northallerton, this is where I work in the past 4 years! This is where I started using PowerBI! I am now a data scientist / data & intelligence specialist

North Yorkshire County Council

Sample of PowerBI published work

One of many things I am proud of in life is to be part of OpenNASA’s iniative called NASA Datanauts. We are a group of volunteers that do good things with NASA open data. I enjoyed visualising datasets published on Open NASA.

I am NASA Datanaut from spring 2017 class.

Visualising NASA Cassini Mission

MeToo hashtag

I use R tidytext package to analyse tweets with #metoo hashtag and visualise my analysis with PowerBI. Apart from trying to tell the story about the movement, I took an opportunity to use Bookmark feature which was just released at the time.

#VizForSocialGood project

VizForSocialGood is a project found by @datachloe. This project tells story about homelessness and rough sleepers stats in England.

Kyle Mathews

I am Nujcharee Haswell (Ped) I do good things with data using PowerBI and R. I am on Twitter